Best Moment Award

Best Moment Award, web awards, blogging awards, winners, nominations

Awarding the people who live in the moment,
The noble who write and capture the best in life,
The bold who reminded us what really mattered –
Savoring the experience of quality time.


Winners re-post this with their acceptance speech. This could be written or video recorded.

Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW set of people/blogs worthy of the award; and winners notify them the great news.


I am excited and happy about this! Why pretend that I’m not? This is a big deal to me, right now, in this moment. I’m humbled and honored. I never expected anyone to care about anything I had to say.

So here is my Acceptance Speech. Believe it or not, this is the short version.

To Mom — for taking me to Ukraine at such an early age, even though it set me back a year in school, for showing me that people are what really matter, for telling me I’m the best daughter in the world followed by, “Are you sure you weren’t adopted?” I strive to make you proud. Even though I can’t keep plants alive…

To Dad — for bragging to all of his friends about my adventures overseas, for always reading my posts and telling me that my writing is good. You know I got the “scribble genes” and attention to detail from you.

To Grandma Inez, My Sunshine and My fellow Wayfaring Stranger — for her prayers, for being like my second mother, for all the times you woke me up with a half cup of black coffee whenever I overslept in the morning, and for being my soul sister – joined at the hip, heart, and soul; separated at birth and by 60 years! Coffee toast!

To Shannon – for teaching me that every moment is precious, and that a life lived to the fullest is a life lived in the moment. You are one of the most inspiring people that I know.

To my best friend, Sarah, Thing 1 to my Thing 2 — Together in Paris. ❤

To Daniel, my other best friend – for being better than a brother.

To those dancers I met ages ago – for teaching me my very first words in Russian.

To everyone who reads my blog — for caring about what I have to say.

To 31daysofawesome — for picking me.

To Judy — for telling me it was okay to shed the mask. Without you I would probably still be locked in my old apartment, afraid to look anyone in the eye. I would not be who I am, if it wasn’t for you. Carpe diem. No regrets.

And finally, to gratitudeequation — for writing with such joy and sweetness. I smile every time I read your blog. By the way, you’re my pick for the next winner of the award.

I love you all. For as long as I live, you will never be forgotten.

6 responses to “Best Moment Award

  1. My sweet granddaughter Sarah – you are truly priceless & precious! All these awesome thoughts and words put together so beautifully! I am so happy and pleased! My love & blessings always! Your Grandma Inez Alvina


  2. Sarah, I tried my best to teach you how to get along in the hard cruel world by yourself. I just wish I had had more time to teach you more. I’m glad you took the writing and attention to detail and ran with it. I’m so proud of you and I love you more than anything.


  3. I knew you weren’t adopted, but sometimes it’s hard to believe that the little girl I mothered grew into this incredible woman. No worries, I’ll take care of the plants. I’m more proud of you than you may ever know…..only 26 letters and I can’t find the words to say how much….just keep going. I’m your biggest fan!!


  4. Pingback: Best Moment Award….Thank you | Digging History

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